Confessions of an Anonymous Coward

Friday, July 27, 2007

Back In A Bit

Okay, like I said, there are things I've been meaning to post about, and I'd hoped to make at least one post yesterday, but I was busy enough it didn't end up happening. Unfortunately, I can't post today either. I'm about to leave for the San Diego Comic-Con, and I'm not likely to have internet access there. So...I'll post again on Monday.

Hey, I know this won't be the first time I've gone several days without posting, but it's the first time I've explained in advance why I won't be posting for a while...

See you Monday.


At 7/27/2007 11:06 AM, Blogger King Aardvark said...

"Hey, I know this won't be the first time I've gone several days without posting, but it's the first time I've explained in advance why I won't be posting for a while..."

That's certainly progress. I just went for 2 weeks without posting for no good reason at all. I was just tired and didn't feel like it. Have fun.


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